Tuesday 11 September 2012


Hello friends!

We just got back from a road trip to British Columbia.

Needless to say, it was spectacular. I look forward to spending a lot of time there one day. 

It really made me think about why exactly modern human beings live the way they do. Why is the mundane life of nice house, beautiful spouse, high-paying job the penultimate goal? Why do people choose to live in miserable, cold, desperate environments where they have work so much harder to survive? 

Some would say that the most impressive quality in the human race is their adaptability to any situation, but in a way it's pretty sad. It means a lot of people spent most of their lives just trying to survive, rather than thriving in an environment they're adapted to. Obviously different environments spawn diverse and beautiful cultures, but if you have to change everything about your habitat to make it livable, that isn't very desirable or responsible is it? Why would so many people choose to live in a harsh environment for generations rather choosing one that is obviously more suited to them. Work smart, not hard!

I hope to never be fooled into working my life away, in pursuit of a false dream. I hope to never be convinced that I need things that I obviously don't. I hope I never decided to trade in my life for money.

If you think about it, money is a pretty clever trick. In return for what works out to about a quarter of your life, you get a whole lot of paper, which you trade in for what you are told you need to be successful and survive. Why not just spend that time growing, cultivating and creating what you really need yourself?

Just something to think about,

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